
Friday, May 3, 2013

Running MatLab on command-line mode. What goods does it have?

For those who are wondering about how to run MatLab on command-line mode, here it is:
./matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash -r "command"

I am new user to MatLab. Basically I was following some instruction for running MatLab code. I ran into a situation where I had to run a compile.m script that invokes gcc, mex, or any other MatLab's C compiler. When I ran the script through GUI version of MatLab, I kept getting errors that wasn't very helpful. Turned out that the same script ran without any problem on the MatLab ran on command-line mode. So yeah, give it a shot!

Oh yeah,
To ease thing out I also created alias on my .bash_rc as follow:
alias matlab_cmd="matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash -r "

I then can run the script as follow:
matlab_cmd "command"

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